📄️ CyberDuck SFTP Guide
Firstly, download and install CyberDuck. This can be used on either Mac or Windows. You can do this by going to the CyberDuck website http://cyberduck.io
📄️ FileZilla sFTP Guide
📄️ Generating your own SSH key
📄️ PuTTY SSH Guide
Putty is a piece of software that can be used to connect to your server using SSH and can be downloaded at the following link https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html
📄️ Setting up SSH/sFTP
If you are looking to manage your server using SSH or want to transfer files using sFTP you will need to download the SSH/sFTP key from the access page of the panel as we do not provide a password for logging in via these methods.
📄️ WinSCP SFTP Guide
Download and install WinSCP. This is Windows only. You can do this by either going directly to the website, or downloading the archive linked below which can be run without installation.