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Installing Mods


  1. Select Vintage Story on the CreeperPanel. CreeperPanel
  2. Select Mods CreeperPanel
  3. Type in the name of the mod you are looking for. CreeperPanel
  4. Use the provided dropdown next to the mod to select the version of the Mod you wish to install and then click on Install CreeperPanel That is it, The mod is now installed and will show on your INSTALLED MODS tab CreeperPanel


  1. Access the servers console.

  2. Find the mod you wish to install from

  3. Get the modid for the mod, This is normally in the end of the url for the mod.

    eg: would be combatrebalance

  4. Use the command /moddb install <modid>, This would be /moddb install combatrebalance from the example above That's it the mod is now installed