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Installing BungeeCord/Waterfall

So you are interested in running a Bungeecord/Waterfall proxy server to connect your minecraft servers together.

Whats different between Bungeecord and Waterfall

The most significant difference between Bungeecord and Waterfall is performance and stability improvements. Waterfall was forked from Bungeecord and changed to provide better performance and stability while maintaining full compatilibily with Bungeecord which means, everything that works with BungeeCord works with Waterfall If you would like to read more about Waterfall you can find all the details at

Where to download BungeeCord / Waterfall


Bungeecord can be download from the following link


Waterfall can be downloaded at the following page


Creating the instance

Now that you have downloaded your chosen proxy server, you will need to create a new Minecraft Java instance on the panel ( if you are following the guide on creating a new server, you can skip the final step where you install a version of minecraft as we will be uploading the files ourself

Uploading the files

With the instance created, click on the Files link, then drag and drop the file you downloaded earlier onto the right-hand side of the file manager to start uploading it.


You can start the server up as you normally would, using the power buttons in the top right of the panel.


You will need to start the server up once so the proxy specific settings can be generated, once they have been generated you can edit them from the Files page and double-clicking on the file you want to edit.