Recently Updated Pages
Adding a whitelist to your server
To add a whitelist to your server you will first need to install Oxide/UMod on your serviceWe hav...
Adding tags to your server
Setting tags on your rust server is a way to show players the type of server you are running by g...
Adding admins to your server
Adding admins to your server allows them to run admin commands such as kick, ban, mute and many m...
Setting sub-account permissions
To configure the permissions for a sub-account click on Configure Permissions next to the user yo...
Installing ValheimPlus
To install ValheimPlus on your server follow steps provided below. Before continuing please make ...
Operator Levels
Level 3 OPs can use the /op command, if they use this command then they will be able to give anyo...
Finding your instances
What is an instance? An instance is a profile on your server. This will allow you to install mul...
Tutorial 1 Minecraft Java Edition
Installing a pre-made gamemode
We provide 4 different pre-made gamemodes for Garry's Mod. Sandbox (Default) PropHunt Trouble...
Mods and Plugins
General Minecraft Software Rules: Vanilla Minecraft can load Minecraft (Not mods and not plugins...
Server/Cluster Token
Don't Starve Together requires that server owners specify a cluster token before the server will ...
Domain Setup
If you are using a CreeperHost custom domain, you can configure the domain settings under the "Ac...
Change World
To change a world on Ark you must follow these steps: Stop the server Click Ark in the left me...
Backups and Current World
Ark manages its world saves in a bit different of a manner than most games. These are typically s...
Installing Mods
To install mods on Ark, it is similar to other services we provide. First you will stop the serve...
Configuration Log in to your GoDaddy account Click Add New Record. The Add DNS Record window d...
Getting a key and secret Before any calls can be made to the API, you must first have a key/secr...