Recently Updated Pages
Updating your server
To find your instance please follow this guide:
Changing Settings
To change the settings of your server such as the display name of the instance or the MOTD of the...
Adding sub-accounts
Sub-accounts require the target user to have created a MineTogether account, you can link the use...
Finding your IP address
The IP address and hostname of your service can be found by clicking on the Access link in the si...
Enabling Total Conversion
Total Conversion is a modification of the game (DLC). To enable the Primitive Plus Total Convers...
Adding admins
1. Make sure you stop your 7 Days to Die server2. Click on Files2. Click on the following folders...
PuTTY (<=0.77) SSH Guide
Putty is a piece of software that can be used to connect to your server using SSH and can be down...
PuTTY (>=0.78) SSH Guide
Putty is a piece of software that can be used to connect to your server using SSH and can be down...
CyberDuck SFTP Guide
Firstly, download and install CyberDuck. This can be used on either Mac or Windows. You can do th...
Download and install WinSCP. This is Windows only. You can do this by either going directly to th...
Restoring Backups
If you have made a backup via the Service > Backupspage, you can restore it by: 1) Visit any Con...
Installation Locations
All installations are stored within the /home/minecraft/* directory within their respective folde...
Service Name
One of the most important choice you will make when ordering a service is your service name. The ...
Cold Storage
What is Cold Storage? Cold Storage is an option that will allow you to cancel your service and k...
Testing connectivity (MTR)
In order to see what might be affecting your connection to the server, we need to run something n...
Service Location
When ordering a service, it is important to get the best connection to your service as possible. ...
Setting a server description, URL, header image and rcon password
Setting the server description, URL and header image can help advertise your server to other play...
Uploading logs from the FTB App
If you are asked to upload logs from the FTB App but are unsure where those log files are, you ca...
Retrieving modpack logs from the CurseForge app
Navigate to the Minecraft section of the CurseForge app and right-click on the modpack you want t...
Transfer your service to another location
You can transfer your service to another location by logging into the panel then in the left side...