Restoring Backups
Backup Restoration:
To restore a backup created by mods such as FTBU (Feed The Beast Utilities) or Aroma1997's Backup:
1) Visit your instances Overview/Console page - Make sure the server is shut down via the red stop button on the right.
2) Click on the File Manager, since you were on the Overview/Console you'll now be loaded into the installation directory for that Minecraft instance.
3) Right-click on your current /worldname/ folder and rename or delete it (make sure you have backups before deleting!) - We want to replace it, not overwrite it.
4) Open the /backups/ directory, find the backup you want to use (The backups are named as follows: Year-Month-Day-Hour-Minute-Second, the most recent backup is usually the last one listed in the directory). If it is zipped (green arrow icon on the file), right click > Extract to extract the files from the backup.
5) Find the /world/folder in the extracted backup and right-click it and Rename/Move, you want to move this to your /mc-instances/mc-instanceIDhere/ (instance ID is in the file path at the top of the File Manager) folder.
6) Start the server via the green start button on the right side of the Overview/Console page.
Backup configuration (FTBU):
The FTBU backup configuration is located in the /local/ftbu/ftbutilities/config.cfg (Note: /ftbutilities/ may show as /ftbu/ depending on mod version) file, it can be accessed via the File Manager or sFTP and is located in your /mc-INSTANCEIDHERE/ directory (see Installation Location ).
backups {
# Timer in hours
# 1.0 - backups every hour
# 6.0 - backups every 6 hours
# 0.5 - backups every 30 minutes
# Min: 0.05
# Max: 600.0
# The number of backup files to keep
# More backups = more space used
# 0 - Infinite
# Min: 0
# Max: 32000
# 0 - Disabled (output = folders)
# 1 - Best speed
# 9 - Smallest file size
# Min: 0
# Max: 9
# Prints (current size | total size) when backup is done
# Absolute path to backups folder
# Run backup in a separated Thread (recommended)
Reducing "backups_to_keep" is recommended if:
a) You have a very large world, as you can quickly fill your SSD disk space.
b) You use our own backup system (Virtual Server > Snapshots/Backups) - This system will backup the entire Minecraft installation directory, you can easily end up exceeding your SSD disk space limit as the backup will backup FTBU's backups too. Backup inception!
If you reduce the backups_to_keep, it is also recommended to increase the backup_timer to 6.0, 12.0 or 24.0 to spread out the backups over a larger range of time.